Animal testing or animal experimentation is the use of non-humans in experiments conducted inside of universities, medical schools and pharmaceutical and commercial facilities. The researchers study genetics, toxicity testing and cosmetic testing also animals are breezed for education and defense research. Animal testing should not be continued because the tests put animal through pain, some tests do not even work and there are alternative which protect animals that can be used instead. Animals that are used for medical testing are subject to pain and distress. All parts of an animal is used for testing from chemicals put in their eyes to chemicals ingested for the testing of possible toxicity or organ failure. Effects can range from redness and swelling to hemroging and blindness. If the animals do not recover they are euthanized if they do recover they are tested on again. George Bernard Shaw said “Animal testing is a social evil because if it advances human knowledge it does so at the expense of human character.” Millions of animals suffer and die needlessly every year in the United States as they become subjects for medical testing and other …show more content…
The Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt states, "nine out of ten experimental drugs fail in clinical studies because we cannot accurately predict how they will behave in people based on laboratory and animal studies." Some research programs are useful but often the money is wasted on duplicated or pointless experiments. An example of one such study is a project conducted by Boston University which coast over a million dollars. It concluded that malnourished rats have offspring that are mentally retarted. Another is a project by Organ State University which tested cancer causing agents in rainbow trout as a possible indicator for cancer in humans also they tested current human chemotherapy drugs on the rainbow