Peta came into public in 1981 when a family of seventeen macaque monkeys were being tested on, the members of this activist group stood outside the Behavioral Research center and protested. From then on they would be widely known all around the world. There is an ongoing argument that whether animal testing benefits us or is just cruel to the animals. According to Cruelty Free International, the U.S drug administry invests in a total of fifty billion dollars each year. One drug that is tested is Vioxx, it is used to treat arthritis. It was found to be “safe” and was tested on monkeys and five other animals species. Even though it’s been tested multiple times, this medicine has caused over 320,000 heart attacks and strokes, and 140,000 deaths. According to Peta, animal testing is a waste of time and money, and most importantly animals. Animals don’t contract the same diseases as humans do, one example Parkinson's disease and also HIV or alzheimer's. Yet there is an alternative to testing on animals, scientists have developed a way of actually growing human cells and making them into human organs which provides a more realistic way of testing. But on the other side, animal testing has had some benefits, in 1920 researchers removed the pancreas from a dog, this developed insulin therapy. Scientist today are…