More and more animals are harmed and even killed each day due to experimenting. As of 2016, research shows that the amount of animals killed each year is about 19,500,000 (Statistic Brain). In some purposes, the aim at the end of the experiment is to kill the animal. Scientists want to see what vast variations cause different reactions to smaller and weaker species. Now, there are protection programs or actions that try and help those animals in danger. Acts such as the AWA (Animal Welfare Act), is a prime example on how we can improve in protection. This group is know for “saving animals” but, according to Pros and Cons of Animal Testing, “95% of animals are not being protected by the AWA”. This number is so large because it counts the animals that are not involved in any sort of statistic. More programs need to consider the amount of animals involved in animal experimentation and work more diligently towards their so-called …show more content…
The use of animals is not as useless as others may acknowledge it as. It is helping our society in many forms. Scientists all over the globe have had some of the greatest medical breakthroughs over the method of using animal species. We have found the answers to cures of diseases that we never could have imagined so soon (Pros and Cons of Animal Testing). The medical perspective on the current generation continues to improve daily, and without the beginning of animal testing, we wouldn't be in the condition we are in