In this essay I will argue that animals cannot be considered as persons using the three main definitions of biological, psychological and legal or ethical. An animal is a multicellular organism of the kingdom Animalia, which differs from plants as well as humans in certain characteristics. Movement, metabolism, response to stimuli, restricted growth and fixed bodily structure are all different between plants, animals and humans. There are many definitions of a person, one of which states that a person is an individual or corporate body recognised by the law a having certain rights and duties. This definition is from a legal perspective. A more philosophical definition is that a human being is an intelligent being that has reason; reflection and can consider itself as itself. Biologically a human being has a certain bodily form, which differs from animals. Finally, the psychological definition considers how a person can have consciousness over time and is capable of making references about the world.
According to the biological perspective, a person must have the ability to engage in abstract thought and have the capacity to communicate and use complex language. Therefore, inferring only to a human being who can communicate and use complex language which differs significantly from that of an animal. A person is considered to be in the bodily form of a self-conscious human being. There is no scientific research that tells us if animals have the ability to self-reflect and communicate effectively with another race or species. A person must be able to self-reflect; only human beings can self-reflect therefore, only human beings can be classified as a person. From the biological perspective it is clear that animals cannot be considered as persons.
The psychological definition of a person is a conscious or rational being. Further personhood depends on being self-aware, knowing ones history and to have the capacity to relate to others.
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