November 21, 2015
"There are no secrets to success. It is a result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." From many generations the word "success" has been proven to be shown numerous ways. Hi my name is Anjelica Guerrero and I will like to tell you what success means to me. Success isn't about the money nor the quality of your house, car, clothes ect., it's about getting things done. If you have a house, car, and a job your still successful. "If you just work for money, you'll never make it, but if you love what you're doing and you always put the customer first, success will always be yours." Success shouldn't have to be about the money it should be about you filling a goal and achieving it while proving …show more content…
Upper class has a 42%, while middle class take on 32% and lower class have 20% of a very happy life overall. think of it I bet you this about money wise, not successful wise because rich or poor we still succeed in something! Another thing is that many people find success in different things in some point of their lives. To me success is about what you want to get done, not what others want u to succeed in but what YOU want.I don't have to have extortionate things to be called successful, but if I want those things then I will continue to grow. Success should never be based on the numbers on a piece of paper, it should be how you fill inside when your hearts beating like crazy and seeing a big joker smile on your own face! That number on the item is nothing compared to the sweat you put in for yourself. Studies say that around 70% of all people fill like imposters trying to reach "showy success" and 51 % of American workers that make less than $30,000 a year are happy and still successful. "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy, success." Success is built on your dreams and your