Webster University
Ann Hopkins Case Study
Why Was Ann Hopkins Passed Over for a Partnership? Give Examples of Events That Contributed to her Being Passed Over.
Ann Hopkins was passed over for partnership for a number of reasons. Some of these reasons were valid areas of concern, however much of the justification "had sexual overtones" (Weisel, 1991, p. 2). Although Thomas Beyer supported Hopkins nomination for partner and supported with what seemed to be a very well-written and strong proposal, of the 32 evaluations by other partners almost 50% suggested that she either be put on hold or denied. According to Exhibit 3 in the case study (Badaracco, 2001, p. 25), Hopkins received more no votes than all but two of the 88 candidates that year. Hopkins lacked support for partnership proposal partly because of her lack of interpersonal skills and unprofessional demeanor. Robert Kaplan referenced incident where Hopkins got into a valid argument in which she was "screaming obscenities at him for about 45 minutes" (Badaracco, 2001, p. 5). There was another incident where Anne's BIA work was reviewed by a partner in 1980. There was approximately $35,000 discrepancy between the proposed fees billed fees and actuals in the WIPS. When confronted about the issue Hopkins insisted that there was no discrepancy. Later, Hopkins tried to play down or explain away the discrepancy, but after further investigation it was determined that the discrepancy was a result of Hopkins having a senior consultant work on a project "12 to 14 hours per day but only charge 8" (Badaracco, 2001, p. 5). Hopkins later admitted there was a problem, however this issue brings into question her honesty and integrity.
There are also several other instances where Hopkins did not model the example of professionalism expected from partners. Understanding that partners effectively become lifelong employees, it is important that the selected individuals mesh well with the company