Anne Halprin was born on July 13, 1920, in Wilmette, Illinois as Anna Schuman. She was married to Lawrence Halprin and is the mother of Daria and Rana. Before her birth, her father moved their family from Russia to get away from the prejudice toward Jews. Despite his efforts, this still impacted her as a young girl growing up in a well-off Chicago Suburb. Her initial choice for college was to attend Bennington Summer School but did not get accepted because they already met their Jew quota (Burt, 2008, 92). This series of events led her to attend the University of Wisconsin from 1940 – 1944.
Throughout her extensive career, she used her life circumstance to create over 100 dance works and wrote several books. Being diagnosed with …show more content…
As inspirational dancer and teacher, she believes you can see the real ART of dance beyond the structure. Through natural movement and feeling making it a Holistic Body experience for the person. She not only trained others but challenged them to go out and train up others. She broke through a barrier that dancer looks a certain way based on criteria connected to movement and a pattern.
Like Anna, with certain standard things in my life, what I find valuably differs from the level of project completion satisfaction. For example, while working with a group of people, we were to hit a certain quota every year. Year after Year our committee project met the quota, but it did not ever exceed. My thoughts were the standard level of expectation defined the projects satisfaction. Why haven’t we exceeded the standard? Are people not feeling motivated or encouraged enough to go beyond what we set as a standard? What are we missing as a leadership team? Are we using the wrong elements to gauge project satisfaction? In a world that weighs heavily on average’s and guidelines to set a baseline, this can be discouraging when you don’t believe criteria. I thought if we (leadership team) demonstrated and encouraged more creativity with the delivering of the standards, the team members would have willingly exceeded our