Anne shows her immaturity by acting childish. Anne used to act very young, she used to mess around, as well as annoy the residents of the annex. When Peter and the Van Daan family first moved into the annex Anne was not used to having Peter around, but that didn't stop Annie from acting in childlike manner. Anne took Peter’s shoes and tried to hide them,” Anne, dear!” (461) as Mrs. Frank …show more content…
Over the course of her confinement, Anne stops her childish jealousy of her sister and becomes friends with Peter so she no longer annoys him. People who are close to her notice that from her time entering annex til their exit, Anne not only grows as a person in terms of emotions, but the way she acts also reflects it. She goes from being young, childish, and unruly to being a young adult who is capable of making smart decisions on the ways she acts and represents herself. Anne shows that time and experience have a major factor in the way she developed as a