Anne Hutchinson felt as if their “theory” was false. She felt that God’s grace was the only way to overcome sin, this theory is referred to as the Covenant of Grace. Anne took her beliefs and put them out there for others to come and worship with her. She then lead discussion groups in her home, criticizing the ministers and their teachings, she also lead people away …show more content…
Roger williams tried to change that, when the Puritans broke away and made a society of their own, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, he tried to expand the term freedom of expression. He basically gave off the idea that freedom of expression should be spread much further and wider. Woman were also not allowed to teach religion to men. This is an example of what Williams wanted to change.
Anne had an opinion that she felt should have been expressed throughout the rest of the society. There were members of this society that felt the same way, and because of this they chose to follow her. There was no force to push them to follow her, it was a feeling she wanted to express. Some may not have agreed with what she believed but there is no harm in what she was doing. She held discussions and lead those who wanted her guidance.
Banishing her for her beliefs is a harsh consequence. Even if the court did not approve of her beliefs, she was expressing personal feeling. People began to venture away from ministers that practiced the Covenant of Works. This was the main reason she got in trouble. Anne was turning people away from the religion that the governor wanted everyone to