ID : 25305043
Maclaran, P. (2009-2010). The SAGE handbook of marketing theory. Los Angeles; London: SAGE.
This book brings together the latest in debates concerning the development of marketing theory, featuring original contributions from a selection of leading international authors. The aim of this handbook is to act as a stimulus for theory development of marketing by providing a large scope overview of key issues in marketing theory. Pauline Maclaran, Michael Saren, Barbara Stern, and Mark Tadajewski bring the greater conceptual cohesion to marketing theory, by explaining many disparate perspectives and presenting contributions from the leading scholars in one volume. One of the most permanent concepts in the history of marketing thought relates to the classification of consumer goods. Marketing is concerned with maintenance consumer behavior within fulfill their need. The product classification theory first sugested by Melvyn T. in 1923,and with little modification it used to the present day, and continues to be used by both the American Marketing Association and the UK Chartered Institute of Marketing. This book also provides the main activities of marketing in both market and management activities. Pauline Maclaran, Michael Saren, Barbara Stern, and Mark Tadajewski, argued the main activities of marketing devided into market activities and marketing management activities. Market activities focus on interaction between another organizations or organization and customers. While the marketing management activities is more focus on managerial intent, managerial investment, and managerial level.
This chapter is helpful for my research topic because it provides the definitions and the wide scope of marketing from many sources within the last few decades. The main limitation for my research topic is there is no explanation about the importance marketing within organisation and this book is very difficult to understand because it