Board, T. E. (2016, February 16). A College Education for Prisoners. The New York Times.
This article talks about how the most effective way to keep people out of prisons is to provide them with the skills needed to succeed in a work environment which would make them marketable for the job force. Back in 2016, Obama created a pilot program that started giving a limited number of inmates the opportunity to get federal Pell Grants. These Pell Grants that were offered helped with the marketability of the offenders who were reentering society. The article also talked about how New Yorkers pay about $60,000 per inmate. This article contributes to our topic because it talks about how the criminal justice system should be in place to give inmates a second chance and give them the opportunity to go and make a difference in society. This article also gives us more information about the cost and percentages of the education programs that are currently in place in prisons.
Jung, H. (2014). Do Prison Work-Release Programs Improve Subsequent Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from the Adult Transition Centers in Illinois. Journal Of Offender Rehabilitation, 384-402.
The article is about a Work-Release program offered to prisoners in Illinois. The work release …show more content…
This chapter book focuses on many different aspects of prison such as immigration, and attorney fees, but by far the most interesting is the work release program in Florida. The work release program is described by Carla Newman in Florida as “good for inmates and taxpayers”. This relates to our topic since work release is a major incentive for inmates along with getting a degree or an education. If inmates were able get more education and are provided with more opportunities, they would be more likely to find better jobs once released and possibly lead a more successful