Choose and research one area.
The area of interest chosen was education. The National Center for Education Statistics reported attainment rates for high school diplomas or G.E.D increased for White Americans from 89 to 94 percent; African Americans from 77 to 88 percent; Hispanics from 58 to 71 percent, and Asian/Pacific Islanders from 90 to 95 percent, in the time frame of 1990 to 2011. School is vital to a student’s educational success and development into a competent member of society (Eccles & Wang, 2012). Research has shown that students who are disengaged from school are more prone to exhibit academic failure, school dropout, and a host of negative psychosocial outcomes (Wang & Holcombe, …show more content…
But on the other hand, school engagement has shown an increase in higher grades and better psychological adjustment to school (Wang & Holcombe, 2010). In education, the term relatedness refers to a person’s need to feel connected to other people. This would include a connectedness to teachers and peers. When this occurs, it produces positive affective reactions to the school, which is an indicator of emotional engagement (Wenzel, Battle, Russell, & Looney, 2010).
Explain why you chose the one you did.
The choice came from a firm belief that obtaining an education is greatly beneficial to one’s mental, physical and emotional stability. An individual who chose education and continue toward higher educational goals earn more wages verses those who do not; they are less likely to be unemployed; and are less likely to live below the poverty level (Baum & Payea, 2005). I am also a firm believer that parental motivation is key when children are attending school. Motivation is highly geared toward cultural variations.
Cultural motivation is how people act, think, create, and believe within their describable socio-culture contexts. The contexts can be differentiated by particular groups that represent differences in race, gender, socio-economic status, and dynamics of power that represent how individuals interact with one another (Purcell-Gate, 2007). Parental motivation should not be an attack on the child, but an act of affectionate interference, which can produce academic, financial, and social success in the lives of their children (Purcell-Gate, 2007). The self-determination theory postulates that all individuals have a natural, innate and constructive inclination to develop a unified self.
How would you go about helping young people in your area get involved in this cause?
Forming of a panel of students who enjoyed sporting activities, and excelled academically, who were willing to help others. The target being, students who could and wanted to participate in these activities but were having issues with school success. Having understanding peers who exhibit empathy can propel a student to seek assistance. Involvement in sports related activities allows students to be introduced to various ethnic cultures, which can produce diversity. Sport inclusion build on the evidence that whoever participates in sports throughout their lives are increasingly likely to excel not only on the playing field, but in life also. Individuals who participate in sports can obtain the following:
1. Acquire new professional networks.
2. Develop a sense of identity and access new opportunities to become more engaged in school and community life.
3. Develop and improve leadership roles and participation in decision making.
4. Connects people across borders, culture, and belief systems.
5. Promote tolerance and understanding among individuals and communities.
6. Challenge gender stereotypes and breakdown discriminatory attitudes.
7. Provide a correlation between higher education and employment (U.S. Dept of State, 2012).
What rewards could result in their involvement?
Rewards gained would be to see struggling students excel in the classroom due to their choice of seeking success.
What challenges might you face in getting them involved?
One challenge that may arise would be negative emotions concerning keeping their grades up in order to participate in sporting activities. This could be slowed by offering tutoring.
How would you increase their dedication and commitment to this cause?
Work engagement is a positive and fulfilling work related state of mind, which contains vigor, dedication, and absorption. One must make the project stimulating and energetic, this would foster the attitude to devout time and effort for the cause of empowering students to complete their school work, study for tests, and seek assistance with issues when needed (Conger & Kanungo, 1988).
How would you inspire them to continue to be involved in projects such as these?
Inspiration would come from the participant’s viewing themselves as peaceful producers of positive behaviors that have propelled the students to seek what is best for them, and what was once unobtainable. Constantly reminding them of their positive work and how many students have chosen to go on to the college level utilizing the skills they learned in the program.
Baum, S., Payea, K. (20025). The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society. Retreieved from:
Conger, J., A., & Kanungo, R., N.
(1988). The empowerment process: Integrating theory and practice. The Academy of Management Review, 13, 471-482.
Eccles, J., S., & Wang, M., T. (2012). So what is student engagement anyway? Commentary on Section I. In S. Christenson, A. L. Reschy, & C. Wylie (Eds.), Handbook of research on student engagement. New York, NY: Springer.
Purcell-Gates, V. (2007). Preface. In V. Purcell-Gates (Ed.), Cultural practices of literacy: Case studies of language, literacy, social practice, and power (pp. vii-xi). Mahwah, NJ: Eribaum.
U. S. Department of State, Kerry, J. (2012). The Empowering of Women and Girls through sports Initiative. Media Note, Office of the Spokesperson. Washington, D. C.
U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (2012). The Condition of Education 2012 (NCES 2012*045)), Indicator 48.
Wang, M.-T., & Holcombe, R. (2010). Adolescents perceptions of classroom environment, school engagement, academic achievement. American Education Research Journal, 47, 633-662. Doi: 10.3102/0002831209361209
Wentzel, K., R., Battle, A., Russell, S., L., & Looney, L., B. (2010). Social Supports from teachers and peers as predictors of academic and Social Motivation. Contemporary Education Psychology, 35,