PHI445: Personal & Organizational Ethics
Instructor: Christi Holland
Annotated Bibliography
Environ International Corporation is the for profit organization I decided to use in my final paper. Environ has been helping resolve the most demanding environmental and human health issues since 1982. They have resources across geographic boundaries and technical and scientific disciplines to give their clients the highest quality, most responsive teams. They give their clients understanding to issues at the intersection of science, business and policy (Washburn, 2013).
EHI brought IT Corporation 's ownership of the CarbonBank name and logo, as well as specific client assignments. Now Environ …show more content…
Environ will assist People Energy in completing the work plan and the management and control of all the company’s contracts resources. Where cleanup is required Environ will review all documentation, regulations, and trainings. In this article is states that “Environ provides state-of-the-art scientific, technical, and strategic risk management assistance to an international client base - - including national and transnational industrial and commercial concerns, trade associations, leading law firms, lending institutions, insurance professionals and public sector agencies (PR Newswire Association …show more content…
S. Department of Energy has announced Environ of Tempe, Arizona, as a business partner of the Rebuild America Program. This program will bring better resources to communities, make the condition of the schools and government building better, and give them a better community to live in. This program will start with renewable energy, efficient new building design, energy education, and other innovative energy and resource conservation measures in a community as stated in the article. The vision is to rebuild America (Media, 2001).
The United Way is the nonprofit organization I decided to use in my final paper. This organization was found in 1887 in Colorado by three religious leaders. This organization has over 1,700 offices in the communities and in 45 countries and territories. United Way goal is to improve the common good and the caring power of the communities worldwide. They focus on education, income, and health as their building block (Fuqua, 2013).
In this article United Way has decided to make changes. This organization has been known for being the middle man and donating to other nonprofit organization over the internet. They have come upon some conflict in this method. They have stop funding a lot of the nonprofit organizations in Massachusetts and started funding to other nonprofit. They are now focusing on how the money can help the most (Talcott,