Adrian, Bangerter and Nicolas, Roulin (29 Jan 2013).Students’ use of extracurricular activities for positional advantage in competitive job markets (volume 26 - 1st Ed.). University of Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
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This study explains the importance of “Personal Capital” which is a composition of soft and hard currencies that student need to develop in order to apply for productive potential. According to the research prospective employer give first preference to the students who have engaged themselves in a number of different extracurricular activities. The main points of text are the factors influence students to participation in extracurricular activities such as lack of participation in extracurricular activities, influence of social norms and peers behaviour and external control or dependency. In addition author also focus on the significance of educational credentials because good academic grades also make a notable contribution in graduate employability. Furthermore author states the different type of extracurricular activities and the most popular form of extracurricular activity is part time working because the work experience especially year long placement are highly value by prospective employers. Generally student’s faces difficulty in demonstrating their sporting and cultural activities evidences that they have the type of skills, values, and personality traits that graduate employer are