Bloom, Harold. Bloom’s BioCritiques Maya Angelou. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2002. Print.
Bloom’s book gives a little insight into the life, writings, and style of Maya Angelou’s poems. “She is a passionately sincere poet, whose purpose is to inspire her audience to keep going.” The book begins with an autobiography of Maya Angelou then it goes into an original detailed literary critique of some of her most famous poems that Bloom tries to put into a different perspective. Lastly, Bloom’s book discusses Angelou’s displacement, style, works by Maya Angelou, and works about Maya Angelou.
Busch, Justin E. A. “Maya Angelou Leaves Readers Wanting More.” The Spectator. 8 Nov. 1997: W8. ProQuest Web. 17 Feb. 2017.
In Busch’s …show more content…
Hagan discusses Angelou’s ethics, humor, and folklore in her works. The author also states “The purpose of this volume is to validate [‘The message and spirit conveyed by the writings of Maya Angelou and the public acceptance of her published corpus on both the academic and general levels establish her as an American author of significance’] that thesis and to provide a single reference source for those wishing to look more closely at the eclectic offerings of Angelou.”
Harr, Melissa. “An Analysis of Maya Angelou’s Poem “Passing Time”.” N.d. Seattle Pi. Web. 22 Feb. 2017. .
Harr’s article opens the eyes of the reader to the dual meanings Maya Angelou often used in her writings. The author tells how Maya Angelou would often use uncommon words in her poems to add depth to a poem. “Angelou does not use the word the reader might expect…” The author draws attention to the vast range of emotions Angelou evokes as a reader reads this poem as well as the attention to serious racial issues Maya Angelou faced during her lifetime.
Hudley, Anne, H. Charity. “The Language of Maya Angelou.” 29 May 2017. Slate. Web. 22 Feb. 2017. …show more content…
The author intends to “…examine six of her poems. These are broken down into three categories; effects of family members, experiences she faced, and lastly her character and attitude towards life.” In this article the author provides an in depth analysis of Maya Angelou’s poems and how the poet was searching for identity in a world that was less than eager to help her find it. She tells us how Maya Angelou used color, rhyming patterns, repetition, confidence, her strength, and power to write her poems that made Angelou the institution she is today.
The Editors of World Literature Today. “When I die I’ll live again”: A Tribute to Maya Angelou (1928-2014).” 28 May 2014. World Literature Today. Web. 22 Feb. 2017. . The authors of this article begin with a little background information on the poet and the many volumes of poems she wrote. The authors tell how Maya Angelou’s poems were written to celebrate her African American culture and to tell about the many hardships African Americans had to overcome in America. The purpose of this article is to show a deep appreciation for Maya Angelou’s works. “…the poems are generous in their directness, in the humor Angelou finds alongside her outrage and paint, in their robust embrace of life. They are truly ‘celebratory’.” The article then begins to discuss Maya