Amichai-Hamburger, Yair, and Gideon Vinitzky. "Social Network Use and Personality." Computers in Human Behavior 26.6 (2010): 1289-295. Web.
This piece of writing is very useful because it talks about the connection found between personality and behavior on Facebook. This is helpful to me because it relates to my project. It allows me to make some educated guesses on what data I am going to collect from my science fair project which is on how the amount of narcissism affects the amount of pictures a person posts on Instagram. I believe that this item is a reliable source because in order to be published in a journal, which it was, it has to go through a lot of editing and checking to make sure it is valid. Seeing that …show more content…
In their study that tested for 16 different personalities that could be categorized as either an introvert or an extrovert. The article then tells how they came to the conclusion that extroverts are more likely than introverts to be active on social media and post pictures and leave comments others posts. This source is useful for me because it helps give me an idea of what my results are going to be for my project. for a narcissistic person to have the characteristics of narcissism they have to me more of an extroverted person. Knowing this, I am able to make an inference about what my results are going to be. This article was not very surprising to me. In this article it talked about a study that came to the conclusion that introverts are more likely to use social media sites and comment and like people photos than introverts. I was expecting this outcome because I have looked at a few studies previous to this one that came to the same conclusion so I expected this one too as …show more content…
She is the Associate Professor of Psychology and Department Chair at Albright College. She got her B.A. in Psychology Statistics at the College of New Jersey. She received her M.A. in Psychology at New York University and her Ph.D. in Social Psychology in minor Quantitative Psychology at New York University. Seidman specializes in social psychology, close relationships, and psychology of the Internet. This content is focused on how the Big Five personalities, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism affect the use of Facebook. The study examined 184 undergraduates took a survey and answered answers about their personality and their behaviors on Facebook. After gathering the data, the scientist were able to connect different personalities to certain behaviors on the site. This item is very useful because it is similar to the science fair project my partner and I are completing. This study looked at what behaviors on Facebook were influenced by what personalities a person consisted of. My science fair project is going to test how the amount of narcissism affects the amount of pictures posted on Instagram. These two are similar because both look at how a personality can affect what a person does on social media