I. Introduction – The Renaissance was a period of time when great changes occurred across the world that changed the way people lived and how they thought. The Renaissance was a period of time spanning over several centuries. It affected the entire world at different times and in different ways. Europe and England were also greatly influenced as part of the Renaissance Many outcomes developed as a result of the Renaissance. II.
The Renaissance was a period of time spanning over several centuries. It was a period of time that ended one era and began another. It ranged from the 14th to the 17th century. The actual time span varies among historians. People were seeing the end of the medieval era and the beginning of the modern age. There was much growth during …show more content…
the time of the Renaissance Education, Literature, and Science would grow over the centuries. People would also find themselves growing in knowledge and spirit. The Renaissance movement changed the way people would live. People were tired of living with death and sadness. Scholars wanted to learn more. There were many transformations taking place over this period of time. III.
The Renaissance had affected the entire world at different times and in different ways. The beginning of the Renaissance occurred in Italy, Europe and England would follow. Many people believe the Renaissance started in Florence, Italy. Ideas began to be brought back to homelands. Languages were changed to meet individual culture needs. Italy has many reasons why it was the perfect beginning for the Renaissance. Italy's geographic location and characteristics make it well suited for success. Many people would find themselves fleeing to Italy. Italy has a lot of pieces left from the Classical Age of Greek and Rome. Humanism was born. The way people viewed the world began to change. The Catholic Church is losing it's power. People started thinking independently and experimenting with new ideas and concepts.
Europe and England were also greatly influenced as part of the Renaissance. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 caused many people to move. People wanted to escape. They were also wanting to learn about the new discoveries in Italy. The things people had been taught was starting to be disproved. The Church is losing its control. People started understanding hard work, not birth, could determine their social class. New advances in science made monarchies eager to explore. They were interested in obtaining more wealth. They also wanted to spread their religion to other people.
Many outcomes developed because of the Renaissance. New inventions were created.
People were inspired by the new found knowledge and information. Art and Literature were viewed and created from different perspectives. New trends and fashion styles were taking place. Governments were changing as the ruling classes were also changing. England became a nation of power and great influence. Court life and the opinions of nobles had a major impact on art. The Feudal System was declining. Many people were able to enjoy life again. More people were able to read. There was a renewed hope and dream in people. They had a greater desire to learn and understand the world around them.
Given a time of great despair in one country, followed by success and a desire for change in another country, led our world into centuries of learning and expansion. The Renaissance was a period of time that was characterized by a spirit of rebirth after rediscovering Ancient Greek and Rome. Every nation experienced the Renaissance in their own way and I their own time. As the Renaissance spread around the world, it allowed people and to express themselves in new ways. Growth occurred everywhere, spiritually, mentally, and physically. It took a few people to realize they needed to reevaluate the past to learn how to live and enjoy life and have a positive outlook for their future.
Annotated Bibliography
(N.A) (n.d.) Geography of the Renaissance.Retrieved December 20, 2016, from www.st.cr.k12.ia.us/Renaissance/geography.htm#ANorthwardFlow I would not recommend this article to anyone.
I say I will not recommend this article to anyone because there are no sources seen, there are no visible publisher other than the website itself and there is no authorship mentioned in the article. I only used this article because it gave a good insight to the location of Italy and why it was such a good starting place for the Renaissance. I do have to say one good thing about this article is that it may not be directly relevant to my topic it
(N.A) (N.D) “Periods: Renaissance”. (n.d.). Retrieved December 20, 2017, from http://people.umass.edu/eng2/per/renaissance.html
The Authors of this article was not mentioned in the article. The Article does however have a works cited to all the different sources he/she had used in creating the text. The Writing is clear in this website about the Renaissance. This article I would say is reliable to use do to all of the works cited they have in the article.
N. A. (17 April 2015). “Renaissance: European History”. Encyclopedia Britannica.
December 14, 2016, from Encyclopedia Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/event/Renaissance
The publisher is from a well known Encyclopedia publisher. The source has been updated in 2015, on April 17th. The source has cited all of the sources they have used including pictures. The information in the source is relevant to the research paper because it has a lot of information about the Renaissance.
(N.A) (July 13, 2015 ) The Renaissance - Dawn of a New Age. Retrieved December 20, 2017, from http://www.mrdowling.com/704renaissance.html
The Publisher is a common on different historical events. There was no visible references that was seen in the text. This source was just updated within the last year. And is relevant to the topic. The information presented is relevant to the topic because it describes the Renaissance and the time period it happened in and how it had spread.