In this e-book it argues is viewing violence cathartic? It explains the work cathartic comes from the Greek work katharsis which means cleansing. Aristotle, a poet taught the viewing tragic plays give people emotional release meaning person viewing the play would be positively affected and cleansed. The out- of-date approach of catharsis where firstly established by Sigmund Freud and his associates. Many directors and producers claim that their work is cathartic.
Sega Soft, a gaming company that produces violent video games provides human gamers a place to escape to and do whatever they please. Majority of the time the thing the users please is kill. Extensive research by scientists has gone into
“if viewing violence increases aggression.” The scientists of 1960 concluded that viewing violence escalates anger and aggression but it unquestionably is not cathartic. Evaluation
I believe this source is biased. The author is clearly highlighting points of views by various scientist of whether viewing violence is cathartic. However the reason this source is bias is because it against the reason that exposure to violence in any way is cathartic. This article is a secondary source because the information used in this e-book article is gathered from various academic articles. The good points of the source are that it shows that a lot of research was done into the creation of this article. Another pro is that various scientists and meta-analysts opinions went into this which showed both sides thoughts.
Violence, Effects of,
In this e-book, researchers have outlined the effects of violent media. The effects are bystander, aggressor, and victim effect. The bystander effect is users who absorb a volume of violent media eventually are less affectionate to victims of violence. The aggressor effect is basically is when there is exposure to