Foster’s has unveiled a new brand identity For its iconic australian beer business
We’re united by the bond only a beer can create and a belief that if a whole lot more people raised a beer in friendship, the world would be a better place.
ABN 49 007 620 886
Foster’s GrouP limited
FiNANCiAl report For the twelve moNth period eNded 30 juNe 2011
As a beer company, we’re proud that we bring people together, in unguarded moments, where laughter and real words are shared.
From the ChAirmAN ANd ChieF exeCutive oFFiCer
82 84
13 diSCoNtiNued operAtioNS 14 propertY, plANt ANd equipmeNt
08 09 10
the Next ChApter For CuB exeCutive mANAgemeNt CorporAte goverNANCe StAtemeNt 85 86 88 89
15 AgriCulturAl ASSetS 16 iNtANgiBle ASSetS 17 pAYABleS 18 FiNANCiAl riSk mANAgemeNt oBjeCtiveS ANd poliCieS
18 24 49 59
direCtorS’ report remuNerAtioN report group FiNANCiAl review Five YeAr SummArY
19 derivAtive FiNANCiAl iNStrumeNtS
96 Financial statements 97 60 CoNSolidAted iNCome StAtemeNt 61 CoNSolidAted StAtemeNt oF CompreheNSive iNCome 62 63 CoNSolidAted BAlANCe Sheet CoNSolidAted StAtemeNt oF ChANgeS iN equitY 63 CoNSolidAted StAtemeNt oF CASh FlowS notes to the Financial statements 65 1 SummArY oF SigNiFiCANt ACCouNtiNg poliCieS 72 2 reveNue, iNCome ANd expeNSeS 73 74 75 3 mAteriAl itemS 4 iNCome tAx 5 SegmeNt iNFormAtioN 6 eArNiNgS per ShAre 7 divideNdS 8 CASh ANd CASh equivAleNtS 9 reCeivABleS 10 iNveNtorieS 11 iNveStmeNtS ACCouNted For uSiNg the equitY method 81 12 NoN-CurreNt ASSetS ClASSiFied held For SAle 125 121 122 124 115 119 120 114 114 105 107 110 111 112 113 100 98 99
20 BorrowiNgS 21 proviSioNS 22 CoNtriButed equitY 23 reServeS ANd retAiNed eArNiNgS 24 keY mANAgemeNt perSoNNel diSCloSureS 25 emploYee equitY plANS 26 emploYee BeNeFitS 27 remuNerAtioN oF AuditorS 28 CommitmeNtS 29 CoNtiNgeNt liABilitieS 30 NoteS to