The market that we are going to put up is restaurant, this business is growing and going bigger as time goes by in such way that people want a new variety of delicious food, convenient and comfortable place/venue that can afford at lower price. This will be established at Junction, Echague, Isabela. This place is near at Isabela State University where students, teachers, and non-working people can easily go to our restaurant. The said business is a good idea because many students want a new style of restaurant here in echague. Although many restaurants are established in echague me with my co-partner in the business decided to build a new restaurant were in there is entertainment and especially as we have said we want our costumer feel the comfort at the same time happiness while eating together with their friends and family.
Marketing Analysis
The current demand of our Restaurant is high and inevitable. Because as far as we know food is one of the basic needs of people. And in this generation Filipino always wants the best but in affordable price. So we propose a business that is fit to us a citizen today.
Target Market
Our target will be ISU student, teachers, non-working people, tricycle drivers and also tourist. But in our conducted survey we saw that our priority should be ISU students. * These potential customers are boarders at Camarag Village. * There are thousands of potential customers are in our target market. Also include tricycle drivers in Echague Toda * These customers are likely to order 7 meal/ week.
Competency Analysis
The competency is big and tough, because there is also restaurant that gives good service to the customers but our expectation to our proposing business is big. Because before we build our own business we also experience how to be a customer. Although they are giving a good service to their customers we saw some errors/problems in their restaurant such as dirty , not free form flies, cockroach and