According to a research study produced by Yale University, bullying victims are two to nine times more likely, to consider suicide than non-bullied victims; resulting in suicide being the third leading cause of death among adolescents (Bulling & Suicide, 2015). Teenagers within Anoka-Hennepin school district were segregated from the collective school body in essence. Collectively, students, staff, teachers, and other faculty members were coerced to make “homosexuals” feel as if they did not belong. Students were allowed to physically as well as, emotionally abuse other students. These students were seen as non-conforming individuals whom voided societal norms. Through this essay and the works of Emile Durkheim, …show more content…
The Division of Labor in Society and Suicide, the reader will gain knowledge and an understanding as to how anomic and egoistic suicide, can be applied to modern day skepticisms and how they pertain to the article: “One’s Town war on Gay Teens” written by Erdely.
According to Rolling Stones author, Erdely “The War on Gay Teens” took place in a small town in Minnesota.
When one school district had decided that their policy of teaching homosexuality in sex-ed classes was imposturous, because it generated the idea homosexuality was okay. The school created a new policy in which bashed students whom were gay and those whom were perceived as being gay. Their policy “No Homo Promo” created hostility among the student body. It allowed for all bullying to be overlooked, ignored, and also reinforced the idea teachers could not teach certain subjects. According to the article, “teachers were not allowed to mention gays in any context” (Erdely, 2012). Ultimately, this policy led to nine students committing suicide because, they could not take societal pressure any longer. This group of adolescents wanted society to accept them as being normal individuals. Eventually, the school allowed an organization (referred to as GSA) to be created which, allowed for students whom were homosexual to have a place to go to feel safe. As stated in the article, “I joined the GSA cause I wanted to be just like her. I wanted to be nice and – loved” (Erdely, …show more content…
Durkheim generated the idea through his work, The Division of Labor in Society; individuals within society depend on social likeness, much like the adolescents in the article Erdely has written.
Individuals in society whom “lack integration” are more likely to be vulnerable to suicidal tendencies (Applerouth and Edles 2012). More than anything, this particular group of adolescents wanted to be socially accepted. Many often questioning, “Why don’t these kids like me?” They wanted people to understand them and be “free from judgement (Applerouth and Edles 2012).” However, collectively as a social group, individuals within this school district had decided homosexuality was not accepted nor was it acceptable in society. Durkheim explained this idea as being the construct of egoism. For example, the school held an anti-gay ministry, “whose mission is to usher gays to wholeness […] by converting them back to heterosexuals” (Erdely, 2012). Students also paraded in the halls preaching homosexuality was a sin; wearing BE HAPPY, NOT GAY t-shirts. Durkheim theorized societies are cohesive due to the two types of solidarity- mechanical and organic. He notes individuals in modern day society participate in organic solidarity which allow for individuals to create their own sense of individualism- such as interest and life-style choices. “Whoa, wait! A quite boy shouted. I am positive, I am gay. Justin said (Erdely, 2012).” As, Durkheim explains, through his work he reveals suicide is
directly related to social disparities.
Durkheim speculated suicide had a direct correlation to collective conscience (not fitting in). Unlike, other scientist of his time Durkheim theorized, suicide was a social fact in which was dependent upon social structures. He explained through his work, integration was a social fact for the reason that; it was driven by societal roots. Adolescents within the article were susceptible to suicide due to society’s lack of conformity towards homosexuals. In addition Durkheim noted, anomic suicide “. . . which results from lack of regulation of the individual by society” (Appelrouth and Edles 2012). Meaning, as a society things are changing and things are not as strong as they once were; resulting in individuals feeling confused and taking his/or life. “I actually had to go to the hospital for suicide” says one eighth grade girl.
In the article written by Erdely, we read a variety of teens were being bullied which lead them to believe they were an outcast to society. They felt as if they had no direction in their life’s because, no one at school would accept them for who they were. For example as stated from the article, “Let’s stop this dangerous nonsense before it’s too late and more young boys and girls are encouraged to ‘come out’ and practice their ‘gayness’ right in their own school’s […]” (Erdely, 2012). This is a prime example as to how these young adolescents felt as if they were disclosed from society, because they did not share the same values as society thought they should. They lacked integration with society not because, they wanted to however, because society did not want to accept them and socialize them. Students within that district did not know how to handle other individual’s non-conforming perspectives of their sexuality, causing them to feel lonely, helpless, and confused. Lacking non-conformity, students deliberated if equality would ever exist in the same essence as it did for heterosexuals. Students pondered if society’s non-conformity to their acceptance depended on the lack of purpose and idea or if it was a result from diminishing standards and values in society.
These young adolescent finally stood up for their civil rights and helped with the lawsuit against the school. As noted, within the article, “Suicide is a complex phenomenon; there’s never any one [purpose] as to why someone take’s their life […] but bullying [is] one factor” (Erdely, 2012). Adolescents whom are homosexual are four times more likely to have suicide tendencies as noted by Rolling Stone author, Erdely. According to National Voices for Equality Education and Enlightenment (2005), nine out of ten students are bullied due to their sexual orientation. As a society it is important that we socially accept those of the homosexual sexuality and integrate them in society as well as socialize them among the population to avoid anomic and egoistic suicide. It is also imperative as a society to make everyone feel as if they belong and have some type of direction within their life because, “all human lives have undeniable value” (Erdely, 2012).