Everybody wants to see a perfect image of male and female body. This creates unnecessary aspiration to achieve that perfect image, and aspiration soon turns into obsession.
Teens think that to be popular it is important to look a certain way. This certain look is not always pretty. Teens, who want to experiment everything and want to become something in life, many a times end up on the wrong way. The society they live in and media image has huge influence on what they think and behave.
Eating – Most people do not give this a second thought. It comes as naturally to most people as breathing. For others, however, eating is the source of a severe psychological disorder. This disorder is known as anorexia. When girls begin to compare themselves to the famous and thin women they see on television, or in magazines, they relate thinness to beauty and many strive to become beautiful.
Yet, we as a society seem to passively disregard the fact that distorted, unattainable sexist mass images are the product of the constant exploitation of women and their bodies as well as our losing battle against anorexia and bulimia amongst young women today. Anorexia nervosa is a disease in which one become very self-conscious about their weight and has an intense fear of becoming fat.
They go to such extremes as starving themselves in order to remain thin, and some use additional methods such as vomiting, taking excessive amounts of laxatives, or exercising profusely.
Women with anorexia nervosa or bulimia often experience fatigue and decreased energy, headaches, personality changes, and abdominal pain. If it is left untreated, it can lead to serious health damage, and in some cases even death.