The Yellow Wallpaper is about a woman who was depressed and her husband who was a physician whom put her in a bedroom with yellow wall paper. In her mind she describes the paper as having sprawling flamboyant patterns committing every artistic sin. She states it is dull enough to confuse the eye in the following, pronounced enough to constantly irritate and provoke …show more content…
He asked her to calm down and go over what has happened? She repeated the story, he asked have you looked for it? She stated everywhere. She states I remember distinctly taking it off last night? He grimaced at the thought of last night how he hurried her home because she was drunk. He asked if anyone had been in the room, she states no except Gazia. She stated that she told Gazia not to clean the room today. He asked if she had mentioned it to her, she stated no that she thought it would be better if it came from him with the both of them together. He called for Gazia to come to the room. He questioned her about the ring. She asked what ring? He stated the one with the green stone, she stated no. “May Allah blind me if I’ve set eyes on it.” He stood up and gave her a slap on the face, but she still answered no. He stated that she had fifteen seconds to answer or you would do good time for it. He lifted his arm to Gazia she flinched but still remained in silence. Samid raised her head and noticed that she had tears in her eyes. Abbound called the police and told him briefly what had occurred. He stated however, he didn’t have proof, but seeing that no one else entered the room it was obvious. Her husband told her not to worry and that a patrol car was on the