Creation of smaller states and the consequent Administrative, Economic and developmental implications.
Creation of smaller States in India is the potential threat to the Integrity and unity of India. Creation of smaller states is not a new phenomenon only in post Independent India but also in pre-independent India we could see some instances of this like partition of Bengal in 1905.But after Indian independence bifurcation of smaller states take place on the linguistic basis, then in recent years the main reason of creation of new states is the underdevelopment of one section of any state inspite of having rich resources, Jharkhand and chhatisgarh are the examples of such creations.
Such creation of smaller states on the basis of language, caste creed, groups, cultural safeguard issue, might prove detrimental for indian union and indian democracy. It will impact on the Indian nationalism because people are more concern with their own local regions, not for whole country. Somewhere they are lacking nationalism,their demand for their own states sometimes seems that they express dissatisfaction with the indian union and want their own country as a separate state.
Virdarbha in Madhya Pradesh ,telangana in Andhra Pradesh, gorkhaland in best bengal ,bodoland in assam , harit Pradesh , purvanchal , bundelkhand in utter Pradesh ,all want their own state . at prima facie , it seems that their motives are benign and their demands are their entitlements , but this is not the real face of existing problems . political parties want to divide the indian union and their motive is “Divide and rule “ . In india even today most of the people in our society are ignorant and very far form the realities , and political parties easily provide them to do whatever they want . people for politicians act as a tinker box where politicians’ small incentive is needed to ablaze their sentiments to fight for their entitlements , and to