Case Questions
1. In the questions associated with the BEC case at the end of chapter 9. you were asked to modify the entity-relationship diagram drawn by the Stillwater student team to incluse any other entities and the attributes you identified from the BEC cases review your answers to these questions and modify the relations in BEC figure 10-2 to include your changes.
2. Study your answer to question 1. Verify that the relations you say represent the My roadway database are in third normal form. if they are not. Change them so that they are.
3. The E-R diagram you developed in questions in the BEC case at the end of chapter 9 should have shown minimum cardinalities on both ends of each relationship. are minimum cardinalities represented in some way in the relations is your answer to question 2? if not, how are minimum cardinalities enforced in the database?
4. You have probably noticed that the Stillwater students chose to include a stamp field as part of the primary key for all of the relations except product. Explain why you think they decided to include this field in each relation and why it is part of the primary key. Are there other alternatives to a time stamp field for creating the primary key of this relation?
5. This BEC case indicated the data types chosen for only a few of the field of the database using your answer to question 2. Select data types and lengths for each attribute use the data types and formats supported by Microsoft access. What data type should be used for the of memo for description and member comment attrite?
6. This BEC case each also mentioned that the students will consider if any fields should be coded are any field’s good candidates for coding if so suggest a coding scheme for each coding candidate field. How would you implement field coding in Microsoft access
7. Complete all table and field definition for the roadway database using Microsoft access.
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