with the consequences that might follow, Brother Leon lives in the moment, never looking back at the actions that he took. Archie is an antagonist himself, but with his partnership with The Vigils, and the high role of leader he maintains within the group, he delivers all sorts of trouble to Jerry. Archie's supremacist to others has no origin, but it's the fear and trouble he can bring that affects many others. Considered the mastermind behind The Vigils assignments, Archie finds pleasure in enjoying others do his dirty work. While Archie disapproves of physical violence, the psychological disturbance is his specialty. He bullies people by messing with their minds. Occasionally, the author will shed insight as to the life Archie grew up in, but that remains a mystery to the reader. Emile Janza operates by using his own type of fear and cruelty--- physical power. He goes around campus, stealing other's gas from their car, sending kids to steal for him, and even blackmailing Jerry for a point in the story. At the end of the story, Archie gets Janza to participate in a boxing match in which he brutally beats Jerry, as he overpowers him and eventually paramedics come in to help Jerry.
with the consequences that might follow, Brother Leon lives in the moment, never looking back at the actions that he took. Archie is an antagonist himself, but with his partnership with The Vigils, and the high role of leader he maintains within the group, he delivers all sorts of trouble to Jerry. Archie's supremacist to others has no origin, but it's the fear and trouble he can bring that affects many others. Considered the mastermind behind The Vigils assignments, Archie finds pleasure in enjoying others do his dirty work. While Archie disapproves of physical violence, the psychological disturbance is his specialty. He bullies people by messing with their minds. Occasionally, the author will shed insight as to the life Archie grew up in, but that remains a mystery to the reader. Emile Janza operates by using his own type of fear and cruelty--- physical power. He goes around campus, stealing other's gas from their car, sending kids to steal for him, and even blackmailing Jerry for a point in the story. At the end of the story, Archie gets Janza to participate in a boxing match in which he brutally beats Jerry, as he overpowers him and eventually paramedics come in to help Jerry.