There are 4 components of antenatal care:- * Booking at first visit * Routine check-up antenatally * Investigation done during antenatal * Further check up by the doctor and specialist if it a complicated pregnancy
Booking at first visit 1. Urine pregnancy test is done to confirm the pregnancy 2. History taking is done regarding: * Current complains * Previous pregnancy * Gynecological history and etc 3. Medical investigations done during first booking are: * Urine : look for albumin and glucose * Hemoglobin level * Blood grouping(ABO) and Rhesus * Veneral disease Research Laboratory(VDRL): to screen for syphilis * Rapid HIV test * Measure height, weight and BMI * Record Blood Pressure (BP) * Complete Physical Examination is done * Antenatal Book is issued with the appropriate colour coding
Tagging/colour Coding of Material Health Care Record Book There are 4 colour coding: * White: mother can deliver in hospital/home without specialist * Green: seen by Medical Officer (MO) or Housemanship Officer * Yellow: seen by obstetrical and Gynecological specialist * Red: refer to hospital immediately
Colour coding system which includes: White Coding I – Deliver in the hospital * Primigravida * Age <18 or >40 * Gravid 6 and above * Height <145cm * Single mother * Unsuitable housing conditions
White coding II – Deliver at home or hospital * Gravida 2-5 * No past obstetrics complication * No past medical history * Height >145cm * Age >18 and <40 * Good family support * POA > 37 weeks and <41 weeks * Estimated fetal weight >2kg and <3.5kg
Green coding – Refer to medical officer * Rhesus Negative * Weight during booking <45 kg * Currently having medical problems except DM and HPT * Previous gynecological history * History of