
Anthem, Ayn Rand

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Anthem, Ayn Rand
Anthem by Ayn Rand is a political satire that makes one appreciate how fortunate the citizens of a country with so many freedoms, like America, are. Freedoms to choose one’s own destiny and explore the untouched frontiers of the scientific world are gifts that should never be, but often are, taken for granted. Rand’s bold novel that pokes fun at the stringent laws of communism reveals that her own political stance would be greatly supported by the first and second amendments and the policies regarding having children in America. The mockery that Ayn Rand makes of the dystopia in her novel gives helpful clues as to what her own political views are. It appears that Rand believes in complete individual freedoms and a largely hands free government. Rand is against collectivism and believes that the government should accommodate the unique needs and desires of every citizen. Each person should feel a strong sense of identity that shares no connection with the government. The advancement of technology and new knowledge are positive for the best interests of society. It seems Rand would agree with the idea that people should act on any rational or irrational desires to achieve their highest potential of personal happiness. It is human nature to desire individuality and to feel accomplished because of “The word which can never die on this earth, for it is the heart of it and the meaning and the glory. The sacred word: EGO” (105). Ego, this sense of self-worth, is in Rand’s opinion the only thing man needs to survive. One man should not be considered as merely a piece of a brotherhood; he should stand alone and walk proudly knowing that everything he needs to survive lies within his own heart. The first amendment to the United States Constitution is a perfect example of a law at the national level today that easily fits in with the views of Rand. The first amendment guarantees that citizens have the right to freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly.

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