A third similarity between Adam and
A third similarity between Adam and
Equality 7-2521 strongly resembles the Greek mythological creature, Prometheus, in many ways. They both are very different from their people. Prometheus was a titan who was nothing like the other titans. He fought to defeat his brothers so that the gods could rule. Likewise, Equality is obviously nothing like the people of his society as he was told earlier in the book. “‘There is evil -in your bones, Equality 7-2521, for your body has grown beyond the bodies of your brothers.’”* Prometheus is especially known for introducing fire to mankind, just as Equality planned to revolutionize the world with his light bulb. But when he introduced it to the Council, they denied it. In fact they were scared of his light. Another obvious similar characteristic the two share is their will to sacrifice anything for their beliefs. Prometheus knew he would be punished for stealing the fire from Zeus, but still refused to keep it away from mankind. “…and he suffered for his deed.”* For his punishment, Zeus chained him to a rock and sent a bird to eat his liver. Every day his liver would grow back, so every day the bird returned for his meal. This punishment was meant for eternity. Equality also knew over his long term research that he would be punished severely if anyone found him, but still did not stop in his…
This fact is shown by all the times the main character breaks the laws and disobeys the council. But for Equality’s situation it was understandable to see why he acted out the ways he did through the novella. Equality has great ideas along with bad timing which turns out to only make him want to strive even more. Even though it was the right time and place for Equality to be focused on his ego, it is not a good idea for everyone on earth to have the same motivation. Then we will not have a true leader and everyone will be in chaos to the point of no social and political structure for the world to be structurally…
A young man given the name, Equality 7-2521 is living in a futuristic dark age. He is withheld from a name to prevent any form of individuality, but given a word followed by a series of numbers on an iron bracelet to be worn on his left wrist, as a form of identification by the World Council. Equality 7-2521 has made a moral discovery throughout the story Anthem by Ayn Rand, as discovering his individuality and as he has changed from one who believes that the World Council states all truth, to one who has progressed into someone with the ability to compose ideas and moral values for himself.…
The main character in Anthem is a man named Equality 7-2521 that finds a lightbulb…
The clash between good and evil has been a prominent theme in literature. The Bible presents the conflict between good and evil in the story of Adam and Eve. Many authors use the scene in the Bible in which the snake taunts and tempts Adam and Eve to take a bite of the apple of knowledge to demonstrate the frailty of humankind. John Gardner provides these same biblical allusions of good and evil in his novel, Grendel.…
Ayn Rand starts her book, Anthem, by writing “It is a sin to write this”(pg.1) She states that “It's a sin to think of words no others think and to put them down upon paper no others are to see”.(pg.1) However Equality 7-2521 thinks otherwise; He has a different moral assessment of his work. Equality 7-2521 is like no other he, is his own person, likes to explore beyond what is known, and he is confident in doing what is best for the people of his community. Equality is a great and wise person in my view and I am convinced that his assessment of his sin(s) are correct, and if or when you read the book I believe that you will be too.…
Individuality is a feature that defines us. Individuality is a large aspect of our lives that we do not even realize we have until we see an example of a lack of individuality. Factors that we believe would make us unique compared to everyone else would surely fade away if we were to live in the kind of society that Ayn Rand depicted in her novel, Anthem. This novel demonstrates what life would be like if everyone lost their sense of individuality and had to obey the laws that were set by the government. Struggles regarding this lost privilege are depicted in this dystopian society to present what a loss of individuality would look like if we were to introduce it in our own society. In Ayn Rand’s Anthem, the…
To begin with, the community of Equality’s home town was hurt by his sin of individuality. After committing the crime of being an individual, one of those who questioned him about the crime said, “Take our brother Equality 7-2125 to the Palace of Corrective Detention. Lash them until they tell,” (Rand 64). This quote shows that Equality had broken one of the largest of laws by being an individual and was…
In “Anthem,” Ayn Rand emphasizes the diction of the novella, by using the negatively connotative words to achieve a tone of immorality. For example, when Equality is in a tunnel and writing, “It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see. It is base and evil....there is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone. We have broken the laws”(Rand 17). Also, “Strange are the ways of evil. We are false in the faces of our brothers. We are defying the will of our Councils...The evil of our crime is not for the human mind to probe . The nature of our punishment if it be discovered, is not for the human heart to probe”(Rand 36-37). Equality’s thoughts create a feeling of wrongdoing and dishonesty which are factors of…
The story of Adam and Eve can relate and differ to Anthem in ways of goals, higher powers, and sins condemned. Both main characters, Adam and Equality 7-2521, go against what is expected of them by a higher power. The higher power in both stories, God and the Council, control the people and give them restrictions and punishments. Both Adam and Equality 7-2521 also have women, Eve and Liberty 5-3000 that they are with who play a major role in the decisions they make. Ways that Adam and Equality 7-2521 are different are the problems they are faced with, and how they overcome them.…
considering the right version of the ‘good life’ and see the srory of Adam and…
Equality 7-2521 is an intelligent, curious, brave, and radiant character in the story. “ We were born with a curse” (Pg. 18). The curse was being taller than the rest of his brothers, and because of his mindset, he thinks it is evil. He thinks that his best abilities are evil, for example, learning came easy to him “ It is a great sin, to be born with a head which is too great”(Pg. 21). So he tried to be someone he’s not, someone inferior to himself.…
In Paradise Lost , Milton characterizes Eve as autarchic as compared to Genesis, to show that obedience to God is truly more important than our own worth.…
The idea of disobedience is continued when we meet Adam and Eve. We learn in the poem that Adam and…
Adam’s appearance shows that he is strong and attractive man. George Eliot describes him at the very beginning of the novel to be “long-boned muscular man, nearly six feet high”. His eyes are dark and observing, and his hair is jet black. He is proud of himself as anything he makes it must be perfect. He is described by everyone as “sensible fellow”. Beside, in spite of not being Methodist like his brother Seth Bede, he is religious man. He is not spiritual but he believes in principles, ethics, and ways of life. He is God-fearing person to the extent that he cannot imagine making love to any woman who is not his wife “I am none of the men as can go making love first to one woman and then to another”. He also sees that God is everywhere not only churches “there’s the spirit of god in all things and all times weekday as well as Sunday”. He is also honest and sincere. Adam’s sincerity is demonstrated when he says to his brother “let thy entire converse be sincere, thy conscience as the noon day clear”. We see that Adam’s qualities make some critics described him as “The monster of goodness”.…