Equality 7-2521 strongly resembles the Greek mythological creature, Prometheus, in many ways. They both are very different from their people. Prometheus was a titan who was nothing like the other titans. He fought to defeat his brothers so that the gods could rule. Likewise, Equality is obviously nothing like the people of his society as he was told earlier in the book. “‘There is evil -in your bones, Equality 7-2521, for your body has grown beyond the bodies of your brothers.’”* Prometheus is especially known for introducing fire to mankind, just as Equality planned to revolutionize the world with his light bulb. But when he introduced it to the Council, they denied it. In fact they were scared of his light. Another obvious similar characteristic the two share is their will to sacrifice anything for their beliefs. Prometheus knew he would be punished for stealing the fire from Zeus, but still refused to keep it away from mankind. “…and he suffered for his deed.”* For his punishment, Zeus chained him to a rock and sent a bird to eat his liver. Every day his liver would grow back, so every day the bird returned for his meal. This punishment was meant for eternity. Equality also knew over his long term research that he would be punished severely if anyone found him, but still did not stop in his…
Equality 7-2521 was the odd ball out of his brothers. At least we know it, but he kept his desire for knowledge a secret, until he got caught in the tunnel. I feel that this quote “Know what you want in life and go after it. I worship individuals for their highest possibilities as individuals, and I loathe humanity, for its failure to live up to these possibilities”, perfectly depicts the main purpose and Equality 7-2521. It represents how he is unique. He does not have the same beliefs as his fellow brothers or anyone in the society in which he thrives in. It is very interesting that he is being criticized because of his knowledge, almost like a parallel universe.…
The second way that the society is preserved by fear and loss of identity is The Transgression of preference. In the story it says “” (Rand, ), meaning that you can’t choose what to do, and that you could be really smart and need to be in the scholar, but instead, of…
In the book Anthem, written by Ayn Rand, Equality 7-2521 had never seen his physical appearance. He was surprised seeing such a strong individual staring at him. One day after escaping into the woods, he finally met himself at a flowing stream and gained new confidence. This was an essential part to the theme of "Anthem." This shows how Equality finally found himself as an "I" in order to help others see themselves as an "I." This is an important part of "Anthem" since it reveals Equality 7-2521's determination, bravery, and development as a person.…
Looking at the bigger picture it is clear to Equality was already an individual beforehand. With this in mind, according to all Equality’s Brothers “we were born with a curse [Equality 7-2521 has a different mindset than his brothers]. It has driven us to thoughts…
Regardless of the novella’s motives, Anthem easily draws in the reader to Equality 7-2521’s plight and journey through Rand’s dynamic writing style and her captivating ability to have her audience get glimpses of and empathize with the character’s soul through strong imagery and meticulously organized words to give a new depth to Equality’s entries.…
In The Soul of a Collectivist by Ayn Rand, the narrator shows similar idea’s advocating collectivism. Ellsworth M. Toohey addresses Peter Keating, his victim saying “The world i want. A world with obedience and unity. A world where the thought off each man will not be his own, but an attempt to guess the thought in the brain of his neighbor who’ll have no thought of his own but an attempt to guess the thought in the brain of his neighbor and so on” (Rand The Soul Of A Collectivist). The rhetoric behind collectivism sounds significant at first look. Although it is natural for humans to form groups, the danger comes in when you realize a substantial amount of people can be held against for anything that a single person amongst them may or may not have…
What is the process to individualism? In the book Anthem the story is based around a collectivist society. This society is built around the sake of mankind as a whole and not the individual. Many different laws are in place to enforce this collectivism. In this society Equality 7-2521 who strays off the beaten path and strives for his individualism. The process that Equality went through to become his individual is that he defied the oppressive laws, he started to see himself as his own person, and he found and established who and what he is.…
Individualism was expressed in the form of repitition with the following quote stated by Equality, “I think, I am I will.” (page 94) Equality says this once he discovers the word “I”. Equality uses this word repititively to express that he is his own person and only he has the power over himself and none other. Equality truly knows…
George Maxwell has a company that is named Maxwell’s Plumbing Supply that has been running for 20 years. George has made an excellent effort through his own hard work, great communications within his community, and has knowledge of his trade which has helped him throughout the years. He is an African-American and is sensitive towards issues of racial diversity and his minority hiring. George faces an issue in the story which is that he has to replace his supervisor that is about to retire. He does have one person in mind which is to hire Hector as the new supervisor. The purpose of this assignment to advise George whether or not it would be wise to hire Hector.…
The story of Adam and Eve can relate and differ to Anthem in ways of goals, higher powers, and sins condemned. Both main characters, Adam and Equality 7-2521, go against what is expected of them by a higher power. The higher power in both stories, God and the Council, control the people and give them restrictions and punishments. Both Adam and Equality 7-2521 also have women, Eve and Liberty 5-3000 that they are with who play a major role in the decisions they make. Ways that Adam and Equality 7-2521 are different are the problems they are faced with, and how they overcome them.…
Our country has a wide variety of many cultures, races and ethnicities backgrounds. I have learned that each group has differences and similarities. These differences give us insight into other cultures, beliefs, and ways of life that we would not normally know. By embracing the differences through our diverse society, I have learned new concepts of living, new ways to thinking, and new ways to understand things that are different than my everyday life. Many of the groups that are so different have a common interest which is to coexist and thrive as one. It would be beneficial to our society if we would focus on the main interest of all, rather than focusing on how different we are from one another. In the past we were taught to judge based on race, cultures, and ethnicities. And now-a-days, we are taught to get to know a person before we pass judgment.…
According to Hauss, we as a global community, tend to view the political process in win-lose or zero-sum terms. It is because of this way of thinking that leads us to resort to violence as a way to solve disputes rather than talking them out in civil discourse. According to Einstein, we are drifting towards the unparalleled catastrophe of nuclear war. (Hauss, 2012) We continue to break ourselves down into groups normally based along nationality, religion, social status, and other categories instead of just being human. As we break ourselves up into these groupings, we tend to take upon ourselves a different identity instead of one common identity. With these different identities are different values and beliefs, which may not mesh with another group’s identity. This can and normally does lead to differences of opinions between groups, making it difficult, if not nearly impossible to find a common denominator.…
Society cannot survive in an environment where everyone does what is right in his own eyes. Without a common foundation of truth and absolutes, our culture will become weak.…
Though many struggle to be there own person. Many struggle to decide things on there own.We are all different, but most of us are the same, because of conformity. Conformity is the easy way of things. Following the leader is the natural way of humans. For an example take Germany during World War II. There was little hate towards Jew or Jipsys or the mentally disabled but because one man was such a persuasive and strong leader a whole country conformed to killing millions. We see the nonconformity in Thoreau, the strive to conform in Gatsby and the struggle to do become an individual in a place of discor in Fahrenheit 451.…