When thinking about my career goals, my first …show more content…
desire would be to find a career in which each day I am working on something about which I am truly passionate. Outstanding work and successful research cannot happen without such passion. Being able to have a career in which I am able to be outdoors, experiencing first hand the environment which I am so interested in and devoted to is an important part of my future. Another goal I have is to be able to challenge myself within my career so that I can proudly contribute to my field in innovative ways. This particular National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates site piqued my interest because of its emphasis on the Anthropocene and ecology.
I have always been more interested in the ecological side of environmental sciences and this summer research would provide me with the perfect opportunity to explore and deepen my interests. This REU is centered around research pertaining to modern and archeological fish records and changes occurring within those records as a result of the Anthropocene. My topic of interest within this research field would involve analyzing the possible connection between toxins found in the Mississippi, which may exhibit elevated toxicity due to rising river temperatures, and the effects increased toxicities is having on Upper Mississippi fish
The Anthropocene is defined as the new epoch in which humans are playing the largest role in changing the environment and climate. Global warming, caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, is one such effect that is raising temperatures globally on land and in the water. Fish are ectotherms, therefore, they do not create their own body heat, but instead rely on water temperature to help regulate their internal temperature. Many fish species are able to adapt to natural temperature changes in the water by adjusting their behavior, but I am interested in how species may be trying to adapt to rapidly changing environmental factors caused by humans.
As an individual, this REU would be of benefit to me because of the many unique and first hand skills and experiences learned throughout the eight weeks. I would be able to receive one on one and personalized guidance from the field crews working alongside myself and other students to gain specialized research techniques and abilities. Not only this, but improving my interpersonal skills by working with a team will benefit me for the rest of my career. The field of Geography is greatly depending upon interdisciplinary knowledge and research to create successful field contributions. The interdisciplinary nature of this program will help prepare me for such collaboration in my future career. As a whole, this REU is a perfect match to my academic and personal passions, and one of which would be a great privilege and honor to have experienced.