Discrimination is the unfair treatment of a person or group deemed different from ourselves or society. Discrimination derives from our prejudices towards these groups of people who we have developed negative attitudes towards. Family, friends, workplace and society can affect these attitudes. It is part of your job as a social worker to fight discrimination where you find it and for this you adopt the theory of anti-discriminatory practice.
Anti-discriminatory practice is the main strategy in combating discrimination. It takes into account how we behave towards other individuals. All employees in a care setting should promote this practice in the workplace as it is key to combating …show more content…
Promoting it within the workplace is a duty that should be carried out by all individuals working there and is key to providing equality within the service for staff and service users. To do so staff should be well educated about the different types of discrimination and how easy it is to discriminate against someone. Also they should be alerted to types of discrimination language and how this although seemingly small can affect people. Mainly though you should ensure that you individually are not abusing your role and be vigilant of others who may be abusing …show more content…
"The sex discrimination act 1975 states that: Direct and indirect discrimination on the basis of gender is illegal."
It applies to both male and female and makes it illegal to discriminate in employment, education and housing etc. on the grounds of gender. It aims to ensure that neither sex is discriminated against and is key to promoting equality between sexes.
4. "The disability discrimination act 1995 defines disability and encourages employers, transport providers and others to make reasonable efforts to respond to the needs of people with disabilities."
This act takes into account the needs of the disabled and enforces society to respond to their needs whether it is access or care.
5. "Race relations act 1976 made direct and indirect discrimination on the basis of race illegal. The Commission for Racial Equality was set up to implement and monitor this act."
This act made it illegal to take a person's race into account when considering them for a job and made it illegal for people to be racially discriminated against in their workplace, promoting equality for the different races alongside ours, and helping to remove racial tension from the