CRJ 5994, Professor Johannessen
Annotated Outline
Topic: Should the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccination be mandated for pre-pubescent girls??
I. INTRODUCTION A. Explanation of what the HPV virus actually is. B. Background history * How it is contracted: Center for disease control * Who it effects: Planned Parenthood * Basic statistics: WebMD.com II. ARGUMENTS & INTERESTS A. Early vaccination does a global good, through prevention and saving lives. 1. Pro Gardasil Vaccination for elementary aged girls. * Naturalnews.com * Healthworld.net * Office of Governor, Austin, Texas 2. Anti Gardasil Vaccination * Journal of American Medical Association * Politifact.com * Wall Street Journal health blogs …show more content…
Parental Autonomy and Choice 1. Pro Gardasil Vaccination for elementary aged girls. * http://www.cwru.edu/med/epidbio/mphp439/PDMCVACC.pdf 2. Anti Gardasil Vaccination for elementary aged girls * www.dshs.state.tx.us/chs/brfss/Reports/hpv_poster.ppt * Javitt, Berkowitz and Gostin C. Length of Immunity is Unknown 1. Pro Gardasil Vaccination for elementary aged girls * Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systems (VAERS) * CDC 2. Anti Gardasil Vaccination for elementary aged girls * National Vaccine Information Center * Concerned Women For America (CWFA) 2007
III. COURT RULINGS/LEGISLATION A. State Rulings * Lemke * Jacobson V. Massachusetts (1905) B. State Legislation * Virginia House Bill 1419
(2011) * Texas Senate Bill 498 (2007) IV. Future outcomes and Present choices for Vaccine A. Nursingcenter.com
V. SUMMARY * Smith
Benson, Jonathan. Virginia House Approves Bill to end HPV vaccine Mandate four Years After Overwhelmingly Approving It.
Clark, S. Amy. Should HPV Vaccine Be Mandatory. CBSNEWS.com http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/01/20/eveningnews/main2381159.shtml?tag=mncol Edwards, Jim. New York Bills Would Mandate HPV Vaccines Without Parents Consent. The CBS Business Network, 2010. http://www.bnet.com/blog/drug-business/new-york-bills-would-mandate-vaccines-without-parents-8127-consent/4174 Executive Order of Governor. (Austin, TX.) 2007 http://govenor.state.tx.us/news/executive-order/3455/ House Bill (Virginia) No. 1419, Offered January 12, 2011.
Jacobson V. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)
LLD, JD, Gostin, O. Lawrence. DeAngelis, Catherine. MD.
Mandatory HPV Vaccination: Public Health V. Private Health. JAMA 2007; Vol. 297
National Conference of State Legislatures http://www.ncls.org/default.aspx?tabid=14381 News Inferno.com http://www.newsinferno.com/?s=+hpv+vaccines&x=15&y=9
O’Rourke, Ciara. Rick Perry thinks “injecting 11 and 12 year old girls with a controversial drug (HPV vaccine), without a parent’s consent is a good idea.” http://www.politifact.com/texas/statements/2010/oct/01/lone-star-first/lone-star-first-funded-democratic-governors-associ/ Robinson, Bruce. Cervical Cancer & the Gardasil Vaccine; Reactions to the Vaccine. Religious Tolerance http://www.religoustolerance.org/ccvaccine2.htm
Smith, M. Christy. Mandating HPV Vaccination: What Are the Arguments? Journal of Christian Nursing. Vol. 25, number 2, p 74-80 (2008) http://www.nursingcenter.com/prodev/ce_article.asp?tid=783539
Wall Street Journal Health Blogs: Video: 50% of Men Might Have HPV