When the founding fathers wrote the second amendment they were thinking of the society that they were surrounded by. Gun ownership was a necessity for many American during that period. The Constitution was ratified to provide more power to a well-regulated …show more content…
Gun related incidents have become a norm in the United States. Situations such as the Orland nightclub shooting is more common than it should be, better yet those types of situations shouldn’t occur whatsoever. The most common argument from supporters of the second amendment is that a good person with a gun can stop a tragedy such as the Orland shooting. Perhaps, a good guy with a gun can stop it, but it is very rare because in a chaotic situation where people are running away
from the shooter, it’s possible for someone to harm an innocent bystander instead of the shooter. On a study released by the FBI, of the 160 active shooting incidents from 2000 to 2013, only five were stopped by a armed citizen and two by an armed off-duty police officer. In comparison, 21 of 160 incidents were stopped by an unarmed citizen. The United States clearly needs to do more about the gun violence that is occurring every day in our country. The only way to stop this violence is to have stricter gun control. Law enforcement's need to monitor purchases of firearms. Perhaps they need to prohibit citizens from purchasing an automatic weapon that can cause serious damage. If a citizen feels like they have no protection without a gun, they should consider purchasing a pepper spray, Taser, or a pocket knife as an alternative. These items are enough to keep them protected, and they cause less damage than