The Know Nothing Party took a series of different positions to appeal to their voter base. A group of senators wanted to prohibit slavery in the western territories, freeing slaves held in Washington D.C., banning the purchase and sale of slaves, and repealing the Fugitive Slave Act which required people to return runaway slaves to their “owners.”
Another group held more pragmatic positions for that period in time. They believed that slavery should not be allowed to spread, but that the status quo should be requested. Freed blacks were given some rights, but not that of the rights afforded to white men. This was done to maintain the peace and stability that had been achieved by stop gap agreements over the last several decades regarding slavery.
The Know Nothings held a distrust for Catholic political involvement. The party especially focused on spreading anti-Catholic rhetoric in the elections of 1854 and 1855.
The Know Nothing Party also took specific actions against immigrants. The “American Party” was formed with the goal of reforming immigration. They wanted increased times for immigrants to being naturalized so that they were better integrated. This party also pledged not to vote for Catholics as it was feared that they believed themselves subject to the Pope’s wishes.