Crime & disorder act 1998 (c.37) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The Act was published on 2 December 1997 and received Royal Assent in July 1998. Its key areas were the introduction of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders, Sex Offender Orders, Parenting Orders, granting local authorities more responsibilities with regards to strategies for reducing crime and disorder, and the introduction law specific to 'racially aggravated' offences. The Act also abolished rebuttable presumption that a child is doli incapax (the presumption that a person between ten and fourteen years of age is incapable of committing an offence) and formally abolished the death penalty for treason and piracy.
Police reform act 2002 (c.30) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Amongst the provisions of the Act are the creation of the role of police community support officer, who have some police powers whilst not being 'sworn in' constables, and the ability for chief constables to confer a more limited range of police powers on other (non-sworn in) individuals as part of Community Safety Accreditation Schemes.
Crime &justice act 2003 (c.44) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It is a wide ranging measure introduced to modernise many areas of the criminal justice system in England and Wales and, to a lesser extent, in Scotland and Northern Ireland .It