Anti Superstition And Black Magic Act
Roll No-36
Superstition is a belief that is not backed by scientific evidence. It is irrational faith in something without a proper explanation. Superstitions are rampant in India and have claimed many lives over the years.
The Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Bill 2013 is the first of its kind in India and was passed on 18th December, 2013.
The bill was first drafted by social activist and rationalist Narendra Dabholkar in 2003. The bill faced heavy criticism and cost Dabholkar his life. He was shot dead by unknown assailants in August, 2013, nearly 4 months before the bill was passed.
The Anti- Superstition Act is the first of its kind in the country and has been dealing with superstition effectively since its implementation last year. Other states such as Karnataka and Assam are also contemplating an Anti -Superstition Bill.
This article provides the meaning and causes of superstition. It also discusses the history of the anti- superstition act in Maharashtra, its scope, limitations and subject matter
Superstition, Maharashtra, anti- superstition bill, Narendra Dabholkar, black magic, blind faith, Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (MANS)
The word superstition can be defined as a belief in something that cannot be justified by fact or evidence. Superstitions are usually associated with religion and are based on the fear of the unknown. A superstitious individual is someone who believes in omens, auspicious and inauspicious times, astrology and rituals to ward off evil or bring blessings.
Superstition is a worldwide phenomenon. However India in particular is home to several bizarre