
Antigone And Creon In The Play 'Burial At Thebes'

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Burial at Thebes Antigone and Creon were the two main characters in the play Burial at Thebes. Even though they are antagonistic counterparts, their acting styles were much different. The actor who played Creon chose to modernize the way he spoke his lines. On the other hand, the actor who played Antigone stuck to a more Shakespearian reading; she was much more dramatic with her lines. It is interesting to have the two main characters use two different reading styles; it seemed to make the play less compelling. The actor who played Antigone didn't follow the rest of her ensemble; they all chose to modernize their lines. Instead she made her acting way too dramatic and seemed to be the odd character out; it was hard to take her seriously. …show more content…

One of his main ones was spatial relationship. He used spatial relationship to show he was the dominant one in the scene. For example, in the beginning he stands at the podium a couple steps higher than all the reporters. Also when he is punishing Antigone, he has her tied to pole on the ground while he is menacing over her. He also used shape when he was talking to his son and the reporter. They made a triangle, which made the reporter seem like the mediator and Creon and his son were the two trying to make a connection. Then Creon moves father away from his son, trying to break the connection and makes an unequal triangle to show how taken aback by his son he has become. He also uses the architecture to his advantage by making it clear that he is the dominant one. Talking at the podium is the main example, but also using the conference room shows he is a hard worker and can't seem to put his work down. Last, but not least, Creon also uses tempo to set his mood. For example, when he is trying to make amends with his son, he talks in a slow constant pace. Like he is trying to feel out the situation, hoping his son is on his side. Once he finds out his son disagrees with his decision to imprison Antigone, his voice quickens and becomes much louder to show his irritation and hurt. Instead of becoming slow and feeble when hurt or saddened by a loved one, he becomes defensive which shows that his character doesn't like to be told when he is wrong and doesn't like to take

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