
Antigone Reflective Statement Essay

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Reflective Statement
18 March 2014
Word count: 341
Reflective Statement: Sophocles’, Antigone
Reflective Statement Question: How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the Interactive Oral?
The Interactive oral on Sophocles, Antigone helped me gain a deeper understanding on women’s role in Ancient Greece society during the fourth and fifth centuries. Understanding the historical context of the play I was able to develop a deeper insight on how it was connected to Antigone’s actions which expanded my understanding of how really shocking Antigone’s character was to any audience during that time.
Women in Ancient Greece society did not play a role politically, socially, or culturally. Their main duty was to perform the traditional household duties such as: cooking, cleaning and sewing. In addition they were
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Antigone, the protagonist and heroine, is presented as stubborn and unreasonable. These characteristics at first channel fear to the audience in that she might incur the wrath of Kreon. Later these same characteristics cause the audience to take pity for her impending doom and subsequent suicidal death. In a similar vein of pride and blinding stubbornness, we find Kreon who is Antigone’s opposing character as well as uncle and king. The audience will fear his unyielding devotion to the state of Thebes as he wields his power and condemns Antigone. Towards the ending of the play Kreon will draw pity from the spectators when he is left without family and because of his actions robbed of power and pride. This serves to highlight the fundamental theme of the play, which is that excessive devotion and passion for family and power leads to misfortune. It is through this misfortune that Sophocles achieves the audience’s

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