John Franklin Farrar
Department of Biology and Microbiology and Biology
Address BOX 22750 BOWEN HALL, RALEIGH, NC, 27607
Abstract: Isolation and characterization of microorganisms is a practice that aids in Increasing ones knowledge of a laboratory setting and it helps improve on Using sterile technique. Isolates of soil microbes can be categorized and Characterized based on a number of criteria ranging from gram-staining Which is done for this project to enumeration which is quantitative description Based on the amount of microbial colonies available. The Antimicrobial Activity of three different microbes were also tested and results were obtained For two out of three of the microbes. Two out of three of the tested microbes Exhibited antimicrobial activity towards the bacteria E. Coli and B. Mycoides And the results were recorded. Microbes produce various antibiotics and by Isolating different microbes the antibodies can be tested for.
This lab focuses on the isolation and characterization of an unknown organisms expressing interesting properties in relation to Antimicrobial Activity. At the conclusion of this laboratory experience The researcher would be required to describe the isolates obtained from the soil macroscopic and microscopic appearance, Perform the gram stain of the microorganisms in question and to discriminate the organisms from other microbes that could be contained in the soil and to finally make certain that the organisms have not been exposed to outside sources and be isolated in a pure culture. The researcher must first isolate the microbe and try to grow the organism in a pure culture to commence with testing the organism. The isolation of Microbes in a laboratory and clinical settings are of the up most importance and due to the isolation of different microbes from each other various procedures become open for the
References: -Microbiology Laboratory Manual - user op=view page&PAGE id=8&MMN position=9:2 - 1777 .pdf