Brian scans of people diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder have shown a reduction or deformity of the brain (Moskowitz, 2011). While reading this paper, one will find the definition, symptoms, and treatment of antisocial personality disorder.
Definition of antisocial personality disorder: While growing up most people are taught do not lie, be polite to everyone, and never forget your manners. People that have antisocial personality disorder do not follow those rules opposed of what they might have learned while growing up (Antisocial personality, 2013) Antisocial personality disorder or ASPD, is a health condition of the mind that makes those diagnosed different than others in many ways (Antisocial personality, 2016). …show more content…
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a mental disorder therefore; the symptoms are all behavioral. People with ASPD are deceitful, reckless, remorseless, aggressive, and impulsive. They put themselves first no matter the cost to anyone else (Antisocial personality, 2013). Having antisocial personality disorder does not make you a criminal, not everyone with the disorder is violent. They still hold the symptoms of the disorder; they just might not be as severe as others. They are still manipulating and will deceive you in any way possible for their own benefit (Robinson, 2016). They may take advantage of any kind hearted person and use them to their own will. There symptoms may make them arrogant and put themselves on a pedestal, so they think they are better than the others around them. Antisocial personality disorder is a disorder that a person will live with for the rest of their life. It has shown over time though that the symptoms can decrease the older you get (Antisocial personality, 2016). The symptoms of antisocial personality disorder are in no way good. With this disorder the person would not realize they are doing anything wrong and will not try to find help or …show more content…
One factor is that antisocial personality disorder is genetic, and can be passed on from generation to generation. Studies on people with criminal records that have antisocial personality disorder; have committed the same crimes as their biological parent other than an adoptive parent. This study shows that antisocial personality disorder could be passed on in families (Lee, 2008). Another factor is the environment in which they grew up in. If the person does not have a stable parents or a guardian that leads them in the right direction it can lead to the development of antisocial personality disorder. It may also develop from the community, if it does not offer a positive influence on the person’s life. (Antisocial personality, 2013). For now doctors do not know the best and most effective way to treat antisocial personality disorder. Doctors and scientist have done studies on people diagnoses with antisocial personality disorder and have found very interesting results. Brain scans of people with antisocial personality disorder have shown deformities of the brain (Moskowitz, 2011). The scans showed an “eighteen percent reduction in the volume of the brain’s middle frontal gyrus, and a nine present reduction in the volume of the orbital frontal gyrus” (Moskowitz, 2011). These two gyri are parts of the frontal lobes of the brain. The Archives of General