Nowadays, it can be said that our society faces many disorders, one of big importance, and many times misdiagnosed due to people’s symptoms and behaviors is the case of Personality Disorders. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, there are ten Personality Disorders reported today. (APA, 2000 p.685). These disorders differ in behavioral manifestations and diagnostic criteria. However, there two important factors in common, people afflicted by these disorders are not mentally ill, and they also ruin somebody’s life by making them their victims. One of them, and the great magnitude in our society is the Antisocial Personality Disorder term used by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals to describe these people and their condition, and to classify those who oppose against authority, and constantly violate social norms, and regulations that maintain social order and protection in society for each of us from harm. Regardless of penalties, parental disciplines, and in some cases jail; they do not seem to learn from their mistakes, and they continue with this pattern of bad behavior without a second thought. Because of these characteristics people who suffer with this disorder are unable to fulfill responsibilities related to family, work or school. Many authors agree on the possibility that ASPD may be the cause of many of the troubles that society faces. Therefore identifying the symptoms at an early age might improve long term outcomes, as well as learning more about this …show more content…