Artemisia vulgaris Linn.(Damong Maria) AND
Manikarazapota Linn. (Chico)
Daño Manuel Victor A.
ErmoginoAlgen F.
Southern Luzon State University
College of Arts and Sciences
B. S. Biology
March 2013
Chapter I
Coptotermesvastator or Philippine milk termitesare social insectsthat raise their young as a group of workers, soldiers and reproductive queen and king. They cause significant losses to annual and perennial crops and damage to wooden components in buildings. Owing to their wood-eating habits, they destroy the livelihood of tropical farmers and literally eat their way through our homes, because they remain well concealed. Their presence is often undetected until the wood structure is severely damaged from within and shows surface changes.Damage to wooden structures and other cellulosic materials attributed to termites has been estimated to exceed $3 billion annually worldwide.Control of termites is primarily dependent upon continued applications of synthetic pesticides or traditional wood preservatives (Lee and Ryu, 2003). Several termiticidescontainsactive ingredients such asfipronil, bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr, permethrin, cypermethrinand imidacloprid are registered around the world under various brand names (Verma et al., 2009). Although effective, there are concerns regarding the use of such pesticides leading to environmental pollution and health disorder. Hazards associated with these synthetic chemicals include their persistence in the environment, bioaccumulation potential in the tissues of organisms through the food chain and toxicities for humans and wildlife. They may also be transported over long ranges through rivers and ocean currents, and contaminate regions far from their sources. Reducing pollution has always been important and finding alternative sources to humans. To avoid these problems, there have been efforts to use plant essentialextract as potential