Throughout Antonio’s life, the religion he was born into that has helped shaped his life good or bad is Catholicism. Such as, when Antonio was so lost in his life, he looked to his religion to give him guidance. “I hoped that in a few years the taking of the first holy communion would bring me understanding” (74). Antonio was feeling so out of place even his family was, after Eugene and Leon left them. Andrew help Antonio realize that he and his brother couldn’t fulfill their parents dream, it had to be Antonio. Eventually, after Narciso’s death Antonio starts to question how god let Narciso die and Tenorio live. “I couldn’t understand why Narciso, who did good in trying to help Ultima, had lost his life; and why Tenorio, who was evil and had taken a life, was free and unpunished. It didn’t seem fair. I …show more content…
Such as, when Ultima has taught Antonio that good will always beat evil. “It is because good is always stronger than evil. Always remember that, Antonio. The smallest bit of good can stand against all the powers of the evil in the world and it will emerge triumphant” (98). Ultima teaches Antonio that theres no need to fear men of evil like Tenorio. Antonio really learned this lesson when he seen his uncle throw up the evil magic. His uncle looked like her came back from hell, but looked well. Soon after, Ultimas tells Antonio that he can believe in whatever he wants to. “I cannot tell you what to believe. Your father and your mother can tell you, because you are their blood, but I cannot. As you grow into manhood you must find your own truths” (119). Ultima is telling Antonio that can believe in what he wants, but as you get older you find the truth in things. Ultima also teaches Antonio that his mother and father or brother can tell him what to believe in because their family, but other can’t even Ultima. Ultimas lesson and values teaches Antonio how to be a better