I. Introduction
A. Context
1. 19 million square acres in Alaska’s coastal plain
2. A wildlife reservation preserve, abundant with vast habitats and oil reservoirs
B. Relevant
1. Drilling could possibly destroy the habitat and way of life for animals
2. It could also give the United States a 6 month supply of oil
3. Is the drilling worth it
C. Thesis statement
1. The United States Congress should allow drilling in ANWR due to the economic, environmental, and social benefits we would get from doing so
II. (Topic Sentence One-Economic Uprisings) The economic advantages of oil development in ANWR gives us one reason to drill
A. Evidence One-Job Increase-250,000 and 750,000 to be created from drilling (Doc B)
1. Job increases could keep some people out of poverty, could slightly boost the economy with more people spending money.
B. Evidence Two-Revenues to the State and Federal Treasury
2. $4.2 billion dollars in revenue could help the US in all sorts of things around the country.
C. Counterclaim
D. Rebuttal
III. (Topic Sentence Two-Environmental Balance) Drilling in ANWR wouldn’t affect the environment as badly as one thinks it will.
A. Evidence One-Oil Development and Habitat Coexistence (Doc )
1. Drilling would not cause harm to the ecosystems and habitats that lay inside ANWR.
B. Evidence Two-Small Percentage of ANWR Considered for Drilling (Doc )
1. 8% of ANWR considered for drilling, and even this 8% wouldn’t harm the environment and surrounding habitats
C. Counterclaim-Doc G- ANWR is a large birthing ground for Porcupine Caribou and drilling could hurt their habitat and their way of life
D. Rebuttal-Oil Development and Habitat Coexistence
1. Adams has watched the oil development first hand and knows it is possible for the drills to thrive without hurting the environment.
IV. (Topic Sentence Three-Social Perks) ANWR being drilled an affect the people in a positive way.
A. Evidence One-Energy Independence While