The novel Finding Audrey follows Audrey, who is a fourteen-year-old girl who suffers from severe social and general anxiety. Her condition is so severe, that she has to wear sunglasses at all time, and she has trouble keeping conversation for even a minute. The book follows Audrey through her recovery as she goes through therapy and builds social skills with the help of a boy named Linus. Before Audrey learns how to control her anxiety, she has many episodes …show more content…
Unfortunately. not a lot of people with anxiety get help. It is important to talk to a doctor and or family so you can see which treatment options are the best for you. These are things like CBT and breathing exercises. People who suffer from GAD or Social Anxiety have to suffer with fear, panic, and nerves that they cannot control. Most of the time, their brain goes from one through to another and it wont stop. Getting the right help and acting quickly, can stop the illness from progressing and getting worse. You can’t let it get the best of you. In addition, if you don’t have anxiety, or you are close with someone who is, be mindful, respectful, and offer your guidance. Teenagers all over the world suffer from anxiety, and it is very important to get help so you can help stop and lighten the effects it might