In Slessors poem “Country Towns”. Slessor uses a wide range of techniques to create an image of a country town. In the third stanza “Alliteration” is used to create a sense of timelessness with the line “Bouncing on barrel mares” showing that even today the farmers still ride on horses (nothing has changed). The 3rd stanza uses “imagery” to creates an image of the town with “verandas baked” and “dogs that lick the sunlight up like paste of gold”, and gives us the impression that it is sunset. In the final stanza (4th) Slessor uses the first two lines to convey “juxtaposition” using the line “schooner bees and locusts” giving us the impression of the heat and different sides to the country.…
This didn’t arouse any resentment, none at all, for the villagers were not ones to ponder the unknown. Stuck in their own world, the grew up with beauty around them. From the lush green fields splattered with posies and lilacs, to the pure white tips of the mountains keeping them hostage. They only knew beauty and found themselves repulsed by anything,…
The narrator has a swirl of emotions and leaves the house, building on her jealousy for hope. She has no clue where she is going or what she is doing and then an idea hits her, she feels the urge to destroy the marigolds, to take away the hope they seems impossible and misplaced. One day the narrator stomps and smashes the marigolds the reality hits her, this had helped no one, destroying the hope of others, all that ruining the marigolds did was to bring the narrator to a realization ofher childish actions,that she was an adult, and should act like one. That she should create hope for herself and her family by being mature, sophisticated, and helping her parents, not destroy the hope that others had so dearly cared for. She realizes that the old lady had worked hard to nurture and grow her hope, her joy, her marigolds, that destroying them was wrong, and it brought no one else any hope, it just took someone's away. Her childish actions of rebellion had left her. The lines “ and they was the moment that childhood faded and womanhood began. The violent, crazy act was the last act of childhood. For as I gazed at the immobile face with sat and weary eyes, I gazed upon a kind of reality that is hidden to childhood. The witch was no longer a witch but only a lonely old woman who dared to create beauty in the midst so of ugliness and sterility. She had been born in squalor and lived in it all her life ow at the end of tent life she nothing but a falling down hut” communicate these…
In this part of the passage, the narrator can’t get his mind off how his brother had ended up in jail. He thinks about how close he and his brother are those teenagers outside of school, cussing, laughing, and joking around. He starts to realize that how he could have ended up like his brother. “The narrator said, “When the last bell rang … I listened to the boys outside talking, laughing, and cursing. Their laughter struck me for the first time… and in them I heard my brother I heard myself.” The narrator is describing how his brother sounded like the boys outside. Also, how he can hear himself in those boys. The narrator is starting to notice that how close he and his brother is in other people. He starts to notice how his brother really is. The narrator is starting to get his brother a little. He staring to get his brother; what his brother is doing and why he doing certain things. Person can’t know one person by just seeing or hearing things about them. You can never judge them by how the look and what they do with there. What one person does or looks doesn’t mean they’ll always be like. For example: when white men see African American men as weak or slaves…
Is it posible to any kind of life but superficial? The way of this world is predictable. The people who change history were different-thats why they were able to change it. George Washington, Martin Luther, the Pilgrims, they didn't follow this world, they stood up against it. The sin and evil in this world is predictable, it all comes from the same source. This is why our Founding Fathers were able to predict what would happen if America left the Consitution and God. They knew the way of man and the world.…
Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town by E.E. Cummings tells the life cycle of townspeople and of one unknown couple. The subtle language choices, inverted syntax and use of repetition make this poem stunningly effective. "Anyone" is the protagonist, who is disliked by the "women and men" or "everyones" of the town, because he is different and follows his own routine. This poem tells the love story of Anyone and Noone. "Anyone" is used as a proper noun,this person isn't spoken about as if he were just anyone, and that he appreciated and valued his and Anyone's individuality. Using 'Anyone' as a single specific character reinforces the idea that this person was isolated from the rest of his town. The use of inverted syntax shows that Anyone is the protagonist of this poem, set in a "pretty how" town. "Pretty how" seems to describe the superficial lifestyle lived by the members of this town. Anyone is a colorful character in a town of black and white.…
Upon becoming adults, our perceptions of people and relationships differ and change. As a child, we are impressionable, innocent and under the care of our parents, we see people on a shallow level. The poem shows the reader this with its structure; the focus often jumps from the past to the present. The change in relationship with the poets mother is also apparent, she goes from being a mere observer, drawing in the environment around her and mimicking her mother, to being like her, both physically and mentally.…
2. What do you make of the people who surround the boy—the “they” of the poem. Who might they be? Do they seem to you concerned and compassionate, cruel, indifferent, or what?…
Children forgot about Anyone while Noone’s world revolved around Anyone. Others got married, but were not always happy with life because they settled for what they had. Eventually, Anyone died, Noone kissed his face, “busy folk” buried him, and the town continued along. Cummings crafted this poem as an ambiguous take on society’s workings. He illustrates a world where others did not come as a priority and outlines the dreary consequences. Using abstract language to create images of an odd town, readers are able to connect and relate to the poem’s subject. Especially in a time where the Great Depression just ended, this poem would strike a chord with American citizens going through rough economic times. It reminds everyone to care for one another and not let the unfortunate pass away without making their…
References: .Crabbe, George. The Village; a poem, in two books (London: J. Dodsley, 1783). E-10 649 Fisher Rare Book Library (Toronto).…
The speaker in the poem uses images to help to support the theme. For example the statement that "sometimes the woman borrowed my grandmother's face" displays the inability of the children to relate the dilemma to themselves, something that the speaker has learned later on with time and experience. In this poem, the speaker is an old woman, and she places a high emphasis on the burden of years from which she speaks by saying "old woman, / or nearly so, myself." "I know now that woman / and painting and season are almost one / and all beyond saving by children." clearly states that the poem is not written for the amusement of children but somebody that has reached the speaker's age, thus supporting the idea of the theme that children cannot help or understand her or anybody of her age. In addition, when the speakers describes the kids in the classroom as "restless on hard chairs" and "caring little for picture or old age" we can picture them in our minds sitting, ready to leave the class as soon as possible, unwilling and unable to understand the ethics dilemma or what the speaker is…
The poem starts off with their leave, the two lovers now nothing, but allusions. They both left with "half broken - heart[s]". They "love" each other and leave in tears "pale...cheeks". They use imagery to describe the "morning dew" and how it reminds him of the "shame" he is in. His tone is shameful and his conscious is already getting to him, for when he hears her name, he feels the deceitful lies he has lived in. Last his tone is regretful, not for what he did, but what he cannot do anymore. His tone is always dejected for he wants her, but cannot continue this lie. He is confused and knows not how he should react, if they meet again. Also when he asks "How should I greet thee" With Silence and tears." Meaning he feels he will see her again, but is sad that it wont be how it was, because it wouldn't be with him.…
Some universal themes present are: Experience, Role of Women in certain societies, and Hope. With experience, it comes back to the time period in which the personas are present and how they are experiencing sort of the same things but the differences in their lives. The role of women in certain societies, for me, meant that for each persona the role/duty of a woman is different for each of them. For the first woman it means just bearing your husband’s children, and raising them with no financial worry. For the second woman is means just making sure that your children survive and doing what you can to make sure it happens. And with hope, there’s a point in the poem where both women are in “trying times” and are hoping they will get better. The first woman speaks of the luxuries she and her family have, while the second woman speak of her hardships of raising a family. And half way through the poem each persona’s life flips. The first woman’s life has taken a downsize but nothing compared the previous life of the second; although, she complains about how horrible her life is and the luxuries her family as had to give up. While, the second is only able to show gratitude to the fact that her life has taken a turn for the better: she can now feed herself, and has newfound liberties that she can now enjoy.…
The poem begins with 'The children', hence taking us by surprise. Nowhere in the title was anything about children expected, the natural imagery created had been of workers weaving carpets who had naturally been assumed as adults. Nevertheless, the poem starts with these gifts of God, startling us into the reality that the poem is about these intimate pure creations. The first line of this stanza implies that these children are hard at work on the 'loom' used to create the carpets. On the other hand it precedes the words 'another world', which could change the meaning aroused by 'loom' into that which is on the verge of, hence implying that the children were right around the corner of another world. The 'another world' here is denoting the difference in the life of these children to other normal children, signifying their harsh lifestyles. The word 'loom' can also be visibly rhymed with the word gloom, thus pointing towards the glum atmosphere of these children. Their hair is shaped into 'braids' show that they have been twisted and trapped into this situation from where it is quite difficult to unravel themselves. These braids are 'black' and 'oiled'. This shows that they have been seeped and covered with burdens, because of which their lives have become 'black', i.e. darkened and glum. Still their 'dresses' are 'bright', which points towards their childish character, implying that they may not be treated as children, but the brightness and cheerfulness of their character is still present behind all these obstructions. 'Assorted heights' assert that the children are of various ages. By…
One of the idea expressed in this poem is that women were not appreciated within the society. It can be seen from stanza two "acquire the air" and stanza 3 "nobody sees us". Air is one of the basic need as a human being. However, as a woman,you do not have the equal right to enjoy it but have to acquire it from men, this is a little bit overstated but can fully illustrate how low women were within the society."nobody sees us" can explain that women are always ignored by men no matter how much they devote to homemaking and care of their husbands. Women spend their whole time in their family after they got married, however,men, instead of appreciate women's sacrifice, they ask for more from women,they want to take fully control of their wives.…