Some one once appropriately said Temper get you in trouble but pride keeps you there. What does this have to do with Oedipus? Well Pride is an attribute which Oedipus has in surplus. Another word for excessive pride is Hubris. It is well known and established that hubris is Oedipuss tragic flaw. Oedipus shows that he has a great sense pride and confidence concerning his abilities as a leader but when Theriases attempts to indicated to Oedipus that he is the one who murdered Lauis his real father, instead of seeing the honesty in Teiresiass words or considering both sides of the spectrum Oedipus thinks that Teiresias is his enemy and is making this accusations in an act of jealousy He says Ah, riches and royalty, and wit matched against wit In the race of life, must they always be mated with envy (Sophocles, 36). According to Greek Law Any
Some one once appropriately said Temper get you in trouble but pride keeps you there. What does this have to do with Oedipus? Well Pride is an attribute which Oedipus has in surplus. Another word for excessive pride is Hubris. It is well known and established that hubris is Oedipuss tragic flaw. Oedipus shows that he has a great sense pride and confidence concerning his abilities as a leader but when Theriases attempts to indicated to Oedipus that he is the one who murdered Lauis his real father, instead of seeing the honesty in Teiresiass words or considering both sides of the spectrum Oedipus thinks that Teiresias is his enemy and is making this accusations in an act of jealousy He says Ah, riches and royalty, and wit matched against wit In the race of life, must they always be mated with envy (Sophocles, 36). According to Greek Law Any