1.0. Introduction: 2 1.1 Background: 2 1.2. Aim and scope: 2 1.3. Limitations of study: 2
2.0. Discussion: 3 2.1. Qualitative research: 3 2.1.1. Focus group: 3 2.1.2. In-Depth interviews: 4 2.1.3. Observations: 5 2.1.4. Mixed qualitative research methods: 5 2.1.5. Delphi research: 5 2.1.6. Analysis on qualitative research methods: 6 2.2. Decision on collecting method: 6 2.3. Quantitative research: 7 2.4. Questionnaire: 8 2.4.1 Customers: 8 2.4.2. Employees: 12 2.5. Ethical and Biases issues: 13 2.6. Analysis of Measurement scale: 14
3.0. Sampling decision: 15
4.0. Research findings and recommendations: 16
5.0. Conclusion: 17
6.0. References: 19
1.0. Introduction:
1.1 Background:
The Market research was required by the ANZ bank as the bank is finding decline in its sales revenue since last year. Management feels that the customer dissatisfaction is the major reason behind sales declines. The management intends to know the exact reasons behind the customer dissatisfaction through the allocation of the private research team as an outsourcing. This market research is a wide concept which requires conducting an analysis of various concepts for coming up with the conclusion to the ANZ bank. These conclusions from the market research will help in making better management decision to the ANZ.
1.2. Aim and scope:
The Aim of the report is to make market analysis of the ANZ customers through the research techniques and principles. In order to make an analysis the report includes problem definition, propositions, research design (assignment 1). Under research design it comes across the qualitative and quantitative methods of research. The analysis of better method for banking sectors will take place in the later section. After the selection of the sampling methods will be used for making decision on how much sample is to be considered for the analysis out of the
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