|Proverb: | |Proverb: | |Proverb: |
|Absence makes the heart grow fonder. | |Don't put all your eggs in one basket. | |There is more than one way to skin a cat. |
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|Meaning: …show more content…
| |There is more than one way to solve a problem. In |
|will love them even more. In other words, you realize| |Instead, you should diversify your risks. For example, | |other words, if one solution doesn't work, try to …show more content…
| |Necessity is the mother of invention. |
|drink. | | | | |
| | |Meaning: | |Meaning: |
|Meaning: | |People become tougher and wiser by facing hardships. | |If you really need to do something you will find a |
|You can tell somebody what the best thing to do is, | |For example, if someone cheats you out of money, the | |way. In other words, people can be very creative when|
|but you can't make them do it. In other words, even | |experience will make you wiser so that you | |they have to be.